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Logic MIDI Channel Switcher PRO

AG Channel Switcher PRO MIDI FX plugin is a standard MIDI Channel switcher which can be used in Logic and Main Stage. It offers up to eight switching methods:
Key Switch.
Program Change.
Control Change. Two modes are available here:
“One Shot” and “Scale” mode.
Performance Speed. Each speed can be set in Note durations such as 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 etc.
Random Channel. A “SMART” feature re-randomizes the MIDI Channel if itmatches the old one.
Pattern Channel. Up to 16 steps are available for round robin the Patch/Channel switching.
Velocity. Up to 16 velocity switching zones.
Patch/Channel Name. You can type custom Patch names
for each Channel and switch the Patch/Channel Name parameter menu or draw/record track automation Patch Names control points.

Logic AG MIDI Transform Sets

MIDI Transform Sets

The Toolkit offers extra MIDI Transform Sets designed for composers who want to import Standard MIDI Files from various scoring applications or other sources. AG Transform Sets are programed to process multiple MIDI regions selec- ted in the Logic Main Window simultaneously. It is known that some Controllers or Program Change messages may mess up the Instruments of the current project. To prevent this, you can delete or backup the harmful data easily. For example, you can select all MIDI regions, choose the “Backup CC7 & 10 & 11” preset and press the “Select & Operate” button. Doing that you will clean (backup) all MIDI regions in one go. The backup data is invisible for Logic. You can use the “Revert CC7 & 10 & 11” preset at any time, if you need the original data.

Logic Multi Channel Transposer MIDI FX plugin

Notes ReMapper

The Note ReMapper MIDI FX plugin is similar to the Logic environment “Mapped Instrument”. This plugin is perfect for re-mapping the Note pitch of external devices such as: Drum Pads, Drum Module Presets etc. The plugin offers up to 128 Note pitch re-mapping parameters and a global “Reset” checkbox which can be used to reset all user assignments.

Multi Channel Transposer

AG Multi Channel Transposer is designed to be used with Multi-Timbral instruments, such as Kontakt, Vienna, Omnisphere, Halion Sonic etc. The tool offers 16 parameters for transposing MIDI Channels 1-16 individually, plus a global transpose parameter labeled as “Transpose All”. This global parameter transposes all channels, keeping the ratio of the transposition parameter settings Ch.1-16. The Multi Transposer is a realtime MIDI utility which can be controlled externally via Control Change messages. You can create Logic Track Automation for all transposing parameters and compose music interactively like never before.

Logic MIDI Channel Switcher MIDI FX Scripter plugin