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Cubase & Logic Compatibility

• It is now possible to create articulation maps in X-DAW and save the project as a Cubase Expression Map or a Logic X Articulation Set.

• The default DAW mode (Logic or Cubase) can be assigned in the X-DAW Preferences.

• It is now possible to open existing Logic Articulation Sets or Cubase Expression Maps in X-DAW Editor via a Folder icon or via dragging the preset from the Mac Finder and dropping it to the X-DAW.

• It is now possible to convert existing Logic Articulation Sets to Cubase Expression Maps or Cubase Expression Maps to Logic Articulation Sets.



X-DAW - New Features

• It is now possible to create a large Articulation preset in 15 seconds by copying all articulation names from any document, and pasting the names to the X-DAW.

• The new OCR utility allows you to screenshot the Instrument articulations or a PDF (image based) articulations list. The screenshot is converted into text and copied to the computer clipboard automatically. You can paste the articulation names directly to the X-DAW, or edit the text in the OCR text editor.

• It is now possible to click the left column label (in the “Articulations” sector) and switch the column view to:
Ch, KS1, KS2, CC1, CC2, Map# or Art ID#. You can enable/disable the column view definitions (Ch, KS1, KS2, CC1…) in X-DAW Preferences.

• Now you can switch between large Articulation names view and Instrument/Art names view by toggling the "Art" button in Logic mode. In Cubase mode the same button switches between Slots/Arts view and large Articulation name view.

• Reorder Maps by Key Switch number. You can reset all Maps by KS# (if you own 3rd party Articulation Maps ordered by type, UACC standard etc), and order the Maps according to your taste or your own standard.

• It is now possible to assign Logic Articulation ID numbers regardless of the Articulations order (Logic mode only). The custom Art ID numbers are stored in the Logic Articulation Set or exported to AG Scripter. This feature allows you to order the Articulations by type and build your own unified system similar to UACC.

• Now the MIDI Channel assignment offers a neutral channel assignment “- - -“ setting, which is useful for Instruments which do not need MIDI Channel switching.

• Now the “Export Program/Articulation Names” feature no longer adds empty lines after the last Name.

• Now Logic “Art ID Instrument” mode (Logic factory Instruments) allows you to assign Art ID numbers higher than # 127. You can assign Art ID numbers up to number 255 for Logic stock Instruments.


X-DAW - Basic Features

• Up to 12 MIDI Output Mapping assignments available by Out 1 and Out 2 pages.

Out 1 (Page):
- MIDI Channel.
- Key Switch 1 + Velocity.
- Key Switch 2 + Velocity.
- Program Change.
- Controller 1 + Value.
- Controller 2 + Value.
- KS Latch (Logic only)
- Articulation Type (Cubase only)

Out 2 (Page):
- Key Switch 3 + Velocity.
- Key Switch 4 + Velocity.
- Key Switch 5 + Velocity.
- Controller 3 + Value.
- Controller 4 + Value.
- Controller 5 + Value.

• Quick Menu. The Quick menu offers powerful Maps functions such as:
- Coloring and various Editing by color.
- Batch Editing methods.
- Various Maps Selection methods.
- Various Map Name prefix views and “Add Prefix” check boxes.

• Copy Maps Dialog. The Copy Maps dialog offers the following features:
- Select between “Copy KS Semitone” or “Copy KS White Keys” algorithms.
- “Copy Map Next KS” and “Copy Maps Next Ch” buttons.

• Adaptive Logic Articulation Sets/Cubase Expression Maps Dialog.
The dialog changes its view according to the selected Logic/Cubase mode.

• Selective Articulation Maps import (Editor to Editor). For example, you can merge the “Core Tech” Editor preset with the “Decorative” preset and use the merged “Core+Decor” preset via a single track in your DAW.

• Increase/Decrease all Map Output Assignments. For example, you can select all Maps, assign a base KS1 number (according to the Instrument bottom KS#), hold down the “Option” computer Key and click the KS1 box upper arrow to increase the KS1 numbers by semitone or white keys Note scale.

• Articulation Maps coloring, Maps selection by color and auto ordering by color. For example, you can select all “Longs”, color them red and use “Group Maps by Color”.

• Articulation Maps manual ordering + Maps magnetic alignment. For example, you can select numerous Maps, click any Map in the selection and move it up/down a little bit. All selected Maps will move to the focused Map.

• Various Maps Selection Methods such as:
- Select a Maps Range (SHIFT + Clicking the target Top & Bottom Maps).
- Select All Maps (COMMAND + A).
- Select Specific Maps (COMMAND + Clicking the Specific Maps).
- Select Maps by MIDI Channel (via the Numerical computer Keys).
- Select Maps by Equal MIDI Channel (E).
- Select Maps by Unequal MIDI Channel (U).
- Invert Maps Selection (I).
- Select the Top Map (OPTION + Up Arrow).
- Select the Bottom Map (OPTION + Down Arrow).
- Expand Selection Upwards (SHIFT + Up Arrow).
- Expand Selection Downwards (SHIFT + Down Arrow).
- Move Maps Selection Upwards (COMMAND + Up Arrow).
- Move Maps Selection Downwards (COMMAND + Down Arrow).

• Various Batch Editing Functions. The multi Maps selection allows you to edit the following Articulation Map attributes simultaneously:
- Change the MIDI Channel, KS#, Velocity, Program#, CC# etc.
- Assign the Maps type: Attribute/Directional (Cubase only).
- Change the Maps KS Latch mode: OFF, ON, Auto (Logic AG Scripter only).
- Shorten the long Articulation Names (right to left in multi selection).
- Clear All Output Assignments.
- Clear a specific Output Assignment.
- Create a Group Name for the selected Maps.
- Duplicate selected Maps.
- Duplicate selected Maps without names.
- Swap KS1 and KS2 assignments.
- Color or Clear the colors of the Maps selection.
- Group Maps by color.
- Automatic MIDI Remote assignments.

• Automatic MIDI Remote Assignments. You can select all Maps and batch assign the remote type (KS, Program etc) in a few seconds. The KS#, Program# etc. are set automatically. You can enable a Semitone or a White Keys checkbox to define the remote KS auto-building, as well as select all “Legato” Maps and change the remote KS octave number for example.

• Articulation Groups ordering. You can switch to Group view, color and order the Maps by Articulation sort, select numerous maps by color and type a Group name to batch name the selection. The Group Name is used in iPad Lemur layout creation, where the Art buttons are ordered according to the teleported Art Name Group labels.

• Articulation Name Prefix assignments.
X-DAW offers the following Articulation name Prefixes which can be shown in your DAW:
- Add Color Prefix. A color symbol is added before the Art Name.
- Add Map# Prefix. A Map number index is added before the Art Name.
- Add Channel Prefix. A Map MIDI Channel # is added before the Art Name.
- Add Group Prefix. A Group (short name) is added before the Art Name.
- Add Instrument Prefix (Logic only). An Instrument (short name) is added before the Art Name.

• “Copy to Clipboard” button (Logic only). You can press that button to copy the Editor project assignments to the system clipboard and paste the clipboard to AG Logic Art Scripter plugin.

• Teleport Maps to iPad AG Lemur remote workstation. You can press the iPad icon in the Art Sets/Expression Maps dialog to export the Articulation Names, Group Names and Art Colors to AG Lemur.

• Articulations Navigator window with assignable ”Always on Top" view.

• Software Instrument Type Menu (Logic AG Scripter only). The Menu is placed in the Articulation Sets dialog and offers the following Instrument types (modes):

- Multi Timbral Instrument. You can build or import up to 16 Articulation Sets for MIDI Channels 1-16. This mode builds up to 16 Scripter Articulation menus (Ch.1-16) after you paste the exported code into the Scripter. Each Scripter menu (1st Violins, 2nd Violins, Violas etc.) can be assigned per Multi track (Ch.1 - 16).

- Single Instrument. This mode builds a single Scripter Articulation menu (Ch.All) after you paste the exported code into the Scripter, and it is suitable for regular Instrument tracks (Ch.All). The Articulations can be set to different MIDI channels so you can switch the Instrument MIDI Channels of the Software Instrument.

- Art ID Instrument. This mode is designed for Logic stock multi articulation Instruments such as EXS 24 etc. You can switch AG Scripter articulations via Text control points automation or via ArtID numbers.


Advanced Articulation Switcher - Logic MIDI FX Scripter Plugin

The Scripter MIDI FX plugin offers the following advanced features:

• Switching via Articulation Text points region automation. This switching method is similar to Cubase “Directional” type method and allows you to switch the articulations before the Note event, during the Note event sustaining and before the Note release. The Text points automation displays the Articulation names in the Logic main window timeline and in the Piano Roll editor which can speed up your composing workflow.

• Switching via Note event ART ID. This switching method is similar to Logic inbuilt system, but it offers more advanced features such as:
- More than three “Output Mapping” assignments.
- MIDI Channel switching with Controllers Cloning.

• COMBO Switching via Text Points or ART IDs. This powerful combo feature allows you to change the Text Points articulation switching to ART IDs switching and vice versa during composing.

• Switching via Programs.

• COMBO Switching via Programs or ART IDs.

• Up to 16 Articulation Groups. For example, you can switch X-DAW Editor to “Multi Instrument” Logic mode and create several Art Sets for controlling the following Trumpet articulation groups via separate Scripter "Region" automation lanes in Logic:
- Lane 1: Trumpet Articulations.
- Lane 2: Trumpet Mute Types (Straight, Cup, Harmon etc).
- Lane 3: Trumpet Wah.


Control Change Multiplication with Active Channel Voice Detection

CC cloning for MIDI channel switching Instruments

The Articulation Switcher scripter plugin detects the MIDI channel of the active (sustaining) Notes and multiplies a single CC# stream to detected MIDI Channels only. This advanced technology saves MIDI band width and CPU.

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